Thursday, August 4, 2016

Pahiyas Festival Experience at Lucban Quezon

This was my first time to witnessed a Pahiyas Festival and It was wonderful!

For those who do not know what Pahiyas is. One of the country’s biggest, and most colorful harvest festival every May 15th, along with the harvest festivals of the towns of Tayabas, Sariaya, Gumaca and Tiaong. These are the Philippines best known harvest festivals to honor San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of farmers. Known as the “Pahiyas”, the festival is deeply rooted in the traditional celebration of the townsfolk in thanksgiving for bounty harvest. Decorations called “Kiping”, leaf-shaped and multi-colored rice paste wafers which are used to decorate the facades of the homes along with fruits and flowers from nature. . -

This tour is made possible by Huglet Travel and Tours (this is not paid). I will tell you everything, no bias, no bs, and no sugar coating.  

I saw their ad on Facebook last March 2016 and I was really interested, so I asked them about the Pahiyas Festival tour. Huglet Travel and Tours immediately replied and asked me for my details such as Name, contact number, email address, number of guests and their names and the date of payment. After answering those they sent me a voucher. 

Here's a copy of our voucher

I promised Huglet that I will pay on April 5, 2016 but sadly my friends did not give me their money. So I message them again and asked if there are slots available since you need to pay first to reserve a slot and luckily we still have. I pay them on the last day meaning the due date (not my fault, it was one of my friend who deposited their money on my account on the very same day! It really stressed me out!), took a photo of the deposit slip and emailed them the copy. After that, I message them on their Facebook account and also texted them. After their confirmation Huglet sent me the map of the Pahiyas tour, our meet up point (map and directions), the bus seat assignment, reminders, and the itinerary. 

Here's our bus assignment or boarding pass:

         Isn't cute? 

Fast forward on May 15, 2016. D Day! The Day!!! Lol! 

Our meet up point was in Mcdonalds West Avenue at exactly 3am, but you must be in the meeting place 30 minutes before the intended time of departure, and I arrived around 2:45am. And it was not a good idea people (we really must follow the rules, they were made because of certain reasons and that's a lesson learned) because when I got there I was really shocked by the buses lined up outside Mcdo. By buses means 8? I think. And when I got out of the car I saw these pile of people/ tourists just like me whose excited to witness the colorful and lively Pahiyas festival.

The counter had a loooooong queue because just like the others I was scared to get hungry along the way. I ordered a chicken sandwich and a drink, for take away because 1. I was a bit late (2:45am) and 2. I don't want to get thirsty. You wanna know why? 

*story time*
 Here's my dilemma, I am one of those human being with a small bladder. Yeah it sucks! I know. Whenever I drink water or anything expect it within 15-30 minutes my bladder will be full and I cannot hold it. I cannot hold it I repeat. That's why travel by land is really a challenge for me. Specially when I'm driving around Metro Manila, I will go to the nearest gas station as soon as I feel my bladder is about to be full. I need to be on a NPO (nothing per orem) to avoid peeing while travelling! 

Enough of the story. Let's go back.

As soon as we are on board, our tour guide put a sticker on our clothes served as a badge. 

The bus must leave at exactly 3am so we can witness the parade. But we left Mcdonalds at around 3:30am-4am. I cannot remember exactly what time. 

We arrived in Lucban, Quezon around 7:30am-8am. The traffic starting to build up and the amount of people as well.

We took a tricycle going to a subdivision as instructed and from there you will witness the colorful and lively houses.

Here are the photos: 

Colorful Origami! But that's not a house, it's a Funeral Parlor. Lol! 

Excuse my double chin! Lol! Pansit Habhab "THE AUTHENTIC" for only Php10 

 Kiping! As they all say Kiping the love alive. Lol! Never mind! Bought for only Php 3. 

    For sale!! Native hats! 

After walking and walking and walking we didn't expect that we will reach a church. 

After exploring the church we walked again to find a place to eat! 

And suddenly we saw this shop.

We took the chance to buy our Lucban Longganisa. I don't if the name of the shop is Longganisa and Chong :( but the sellers are lovely and very accommodating!

Short longganisa - Php75/dozen
Long longganisa - Php150/dozen

No need to bring mini cooler to store your longganisa they are good to go. According to the seller their longganisa doesn't require refrigeration. 

After buying our Pasalubong we look for a place to eat. 

My tip for you of you're going to Pahiyas it would be great if you just bring food with you because we really had a difficulty finding a place to eat all restaurants or even karinderyas are full! 

 We saw this restaurant named "Chito's" and they have a cute outdoor decor.

I want to write our not so good experience during our dine in Chito's but I will not because somehow, I understood the situation. 

So after our lunch we proceed to our bus to rest and also our call time was 12 noon, so we can go early to Liliw Laguna. 
But 2 of our bus mates were missing so we waited for 2 hours, they called our guide and told her that they were stuck in traffic because they went to Kamay ni Hesus. I don't want to rant about it anymore.

So we arrived in Liliw Laguna around 4pm :( and the tour coordinator gave us only 20 minutes to explore Liliw. I was really upset that time because Liliw is known for its durable at the same time cheap shoes and sandals. 

We check the Church in Liliw named Saint John the Baptist Parish Church

   Inside Saint John the Baptist Parish Church. 

    Foot prints outside the church

I bought a fridge magnet here for Php50. Then we look for shoes and sandals but that time my priority was to buy food I was so hungry.


Then after Liliw we headed to Nagcarlan where in the Underground cemetery is located. 

    Outside Underground cementery 

    Inside underground cemetery

I am not claustrophobic but staying inside the underground cemetery makes me uneasy and also I am having shortness of breath maybe because we almost fill the whole underground cemetery. But I am warning you do not go inside if you are claustrophobic. 

After our adventure in Nagcarlan we went to San Pablo Cathedral but I was too tired and hungry to explore, so instead of going to the cathedral we went to find something to munch. 

And lastly, we arrived in the same place we were picked up around 10-11pm. My friends who stays in the south wasn't able to be drop off at least near Alabang because the owner of the agency said it would be better to drop everybody off in the same place we were picked up. 

All in all the experience was good minus the bus mates who were late and Chito's bad service. 

Thank you Huglet for the wonderful experience!
Till next time. :) 


  1. Nice post, i love your travel experience look like you spend good time there :)

    1. Yes! I really had a good time. Festivals are really worth it.
