Thursday, January 5, 2017

Our Balete Road, Batangas Adventure with Dreamland cafe side trip by Unlitravel

Our Balete road adventure was made possible by Unlitravel by Unlimagine, I saw their ad on Facebook and the reviews were good so we've decided to try their services. I will tell you what really happened to us during that day.

We went to the following places:

  • Marian Orchard 
Is perfect for Holy week trips and Pilgrimage. They will soon have stations of the cross. The place is beautiful, it will be more beautiful if they finish the constructions and if the flowers will fully bloom.


More photos here <<<

  • Honey House

A honey shop along the way of Balete Road, there are other honey shop along Balete road but this one I think is affiliated with the agency. So what's in the store for us? They have honey (of course) in different jars and bottles, they also have vinegar and also some free taste. :) They will also show you their backyard where the mini bee farm is located.  


  • Cintai Coritos

As soon as we arrived, we head to the lunch buffet area which is included in the package. The ambiance was great, the food and the service was good. Too bad I don't have any photo on the entrance, we don't much have the time to go back on the entrance the property is huge! 

Cintai Coritos has a lot to offer from Pre-nups to accommodations to plunging in the pool, I mean you can stay the rest of the day there. For more info you may visit their website.

Here are some more photos. >>>click here<<<

  • Dreamland Cafe

After our Balete road exploration we went to Tagaytay as part of the itinerary. Dreamland Cafe is one the restaurants I want to go to in Tagaytay it has a cute interiors, They sell food (of course), clothes and their signature dream catchers. 

Here are some more photos >>>click here<<<

We went to all places stated in the voucher, we were actually on time, we arrived in Mcdonalds around 6:30am and the call time was 7am but the van was late I don't know exactly how much time was wasted while waiting for the van, I was tired and sleepy that day because I just came home from work to shower and I wasn't able sleep at all. The driver has no sense of direction, he used Waze but I think he is not familiar with the exits in SLEX. He was confused so he decided to stop near an exit which is wrong because SLEX has emergency bays on the left side, he then tried to do backing instead of continuing to the exit because he already knew we weren't suppose to do the exit. When we were caught he pretended that one of the tire was flat. But the guard did not allow us so he didn't have a choice but to exit. Another, he did not take the Magallanes interchange to SLEX instead he took the way down which is time consuming specially they were late. On our way home from Dreamland he kept on stopping by  from one store to another we didn't know what's happening he is not talking or saying anything to us, we just realized that he was looking for stores to load his cell for data to use waze. Again, that was time consuming plus the traffic. 

The 15 seater van should be 13 tourists only, 2 front seats should be assigned to the on site tour guide only. The driver and the tour guide should be side by side so they can talk and sort problems first on their own, call or text their boss if they needed to. 

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of an on site tour guide so that whenever we have queries we will just ask him, I will forgive that the on site tour guide assigned to us had no idea with 1. The way going to our destination, 2. He and the driver should talk beforehand like I've mentioned earlier.   

Here's a copy of our voucher:

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